Chenopodium Album: Lamb’s Quarters, Fat Hen. Pl. [14] There are five stamens. The following infraspecific taxa are accepted by the Flora Europaea:[9]. Overview Information Chenopodium is an herb. A. 1980-2005. To support our efforts please browse our store (books with medicinal info, etc.). Information about Chenopodium album diagnosis, including distribution and treatment advice Las pequeñas flores son radialmente simétricas y crecen en las pequeñas cimas en una densa y ramificada inflorescencia de 10-40 cm de largo. Cat. Aqueous and alcoholic extract did not show any sign of toxicity up to oral dose of 5 g/Kg in mice. I expect that we will be harvesting lamb’s quarters here in Southern Illinois for 10 or 11 months this year. Chenopodium album fue descrita por L. Bosc ex Moq. Store and Buy Chenopodium album ... CHENOPODIUM ALBUM POLLEN (UNII: 098LKX5NCN) (CHENOPODIUM ALBUM POLLEN - UNII:098LKX5NCN) CHENOPODIUM ALBUM POLLEN: 30 [hp_X] in 1 mL: Third potency. Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album ) is a rapid growing summer annual weed. Archaeologists analysing carbonized plant remains found in storage pits and ovens at Iron Age, Viking Age, and Roman sites in Europe have found its seeds mixed with conventional grains and even inside the stomachs of Danish bog bodies. Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). Castetter, Edward F. 1935 Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest I. Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food. It is a host plant for the beet leafhopper, an insect which transmits curly top virus to beet crops. The inhalation of Chenopodium album (C. album) pollen has been reported as an important cause of allergic respiratory symptoms. [10] Plants native in eastern Asia are included under C. album, but often differ from European specimens. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. The leaves are alternate and can be varied in appearance. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1. Lamb’s quarters, (Chenopodium album), also called pigweed, annual weedy plant of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), of wide distribution in Asia, Europe, and North America.It can grow up to 3 metres (about 10 feet) but is usually a smaller plant. The maximum height is about 5 ft. The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3–8 cm long and 3–7 cm broad. The small flowers are radially symmetrical and grow in small cymes on a dense branched inflorescence 10–40 cm long. Lamb's quarters is an annual wild edible that is a member of the Amaranthaceae family (in the genus Chenopodium). A. 1. It is usually grown in gardens and considered as nutritious in the human diet (Poonia and Upadhayay 2015). Leaf spot of Chenopodium album caused by Nigrospora pyriformis. Chenopodium album is a fast-growing weedy annual plant in the genus Chenopodium.Though cultivated in some regions, the plant is elsewhere considered a weed. It also reduces signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. El bledo es una hierba anual de unos 10 a 250 cm de alto, con un tallo angular, ramificado y puntiagudo, de color amarillo pardusco y con rayas paralelas verdes o rojizas. The branches are angular or ridged, ascending, and usually striped with purple, pink or yellow. Syst. Third potency. [3][4][5][11] Further, the flowers are bisexual and female, with five tepals which are mealy on outer surface, and shortly united at the base. Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm and roundworm. Las plantas nativas en la zona oriental de Asia se incluyen en C. album , pero a menudo difieren de especímenes europeos. Based on morphological characteristics, molecular sequencing and pathogenicity test, the pathogen was identified as Peronospora variabilis. 1753.[3]​. Antibacterial activity (27, 28) Aqueous and methanol extracts were prepared and observed their antibacterial activity against human Pregnant women can avoid its intake as not much is known about its usage in such conditions. The entire plant is covered with varying amounts of a waxy substance giving the plant a light green appearance. Chenopodium album plants showing symptoms caused by root-knot nematodes were detected in the La Joya, Arequipa, Peru. CONABIO, Ciudad de México. The dilution CHENOPODIUM ALBUM choose homeopathy. Chenopodium album is a ANNUAL growing to 0.9 m (3ft) by 0.2 m (0ft 8in). Las primeras que tienen la salida, cerca de la base de la planta, son dentadas y aproximadamente en forma de diamante de 3-7 cm de longitud y 3-6 cm de ancho. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba—small brown necrotic lesions in inoculated cotyledons, but no … I did read about its sideeffects in a site and found out this, -. The leaves and young shoots may be eaten as a leaf vegetable,[a] either steamed in its entirety, or cooked like spinach, but should be eaten in moderation due to high levels of oxalic acid. [3] Etimología 'Chenopodium': nombre genérico que deriva de la particular forma de las hojas similares a las patas de ganso: del griego "chen" = (ganso) y "pous" = (pie) o "podion" = (pie pequeño). Sudden Vertigo. Goosefoot (Chenopodium album) Bulrush (Typha latifolia) Eucalyptus (Eucaliptus sp.) Common names of Chenopods are Amaranth, Lamb’s Quarters, White Goosefoot, White Pigweed, among others. Pl. The present study is aimed to investigate the effects of Chenopodium album (leaves) on the growth of estrogen dependent (MCF-7) and estrogen independent (MDA-MB-468) human breast cancer cell lines. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM 5CH 7CH 9CH pellets Boiron homeopathy. Mature C. album plants have broadly triangle-shaped leaves with irregular, shallow-toothed margins and a white mealy coating. Common names include lamb's quarters, melde, goosefoot, manure weed, wild spinach and fat-hen, though the latter two are also applied to other species of the genus Chenopodium, for which reason it is often distinguished as white goosefoot. En general se presenta en otros lugares, por ejemplo, África, Australasia, América del Norte, y Oceanía, y ahora se produce en casi todas partes en los suelos ricos en nitrógeno, especialmente en terrenos baldíos. Stertorous breathing ( Opium.) Chenopodium album or bathua helps in prevention of various cancers. Chenopodium album: A plant species in the CHENOPODIUM genus known for edible greens. Fl. Side Effects of Bathua (Chenopodium Album) These leaves are rich in oxalic acids, and it has a tendency to bind with calcium and reduces the availability of calcium . Zuloaga, F. O., O. Morrone, M. J. Belgrano, C. Marticorena & E. Marchesi. (2004). It was once thought that it was native to Europe. Amboró Bolivia. the raita (yogurt dip) made with bathua, is very popular in winters.[26]. Mem. 2017). pódion n. = diminutivo de pie o pata. Introduction: Chenopodium album Description of Chenopodium album. It's stems are smooth or hairless, grooved, and green or reddish in color. Pakistan Univ. The Poisonous Plant Guide is constructed to enable location of a plant by either knowing the common or botanical name of the plant. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. Chenopodium album, cenizo o quinhuilla es un especie[1]​ de hierbas de la familia Chenopodiaceae. Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM..... Chenopodium Anthelminticum Chenopodium Anthelminticum … The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3–7 cm long and 3–6 cm broad. 4: i–xxiv, 1–559. The Colorado State University Guide to Poisonous Plants database lists trees, shrubs and perennials that can be harmful to animals. Symptoms of apoplexy, right hemiplegia, and aphasia. (Chenopodiaceae) is an herbaceous vegetable plant that originates from Western Asia. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. It also hybridises readily with several other Chenopodium species, including C. berlandieri, C. ficifolium, C. opulifolium, C. strictum and C. suecicum. Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms worsen or do not improve after 5 days. Bathua seeds are abortifacient (that which will cause a miscarriage ). [24] The leaves and young shoots of this plant are used in dishes such as soups, curries, and paratha-stuffed breads, common in North India. [11] It is widely naturalised elsewhere, e.g. album: epíteto latino que significa "blanco.[4]​. The Colorado State University Guide to Poisonous Plants database lists trees, shrubs and perennials that can be harmful to animals. Gibbs Russell, G. E., W. G. Welman, E. Reitief, K. L. Immelman, G. Germishuizen, B. J. Pienaar, M. v. Wyk & A. Nicholas. Chenopodium album: Related Topics. S. Africa 2(1–2): 1–152(pt. Castellano: ajea, altos, armuelle, armuelle borde, armuelles bordes, armuelle silvestre, armuelles silvestres, axea, berza de perros, berza perruna, bledo, bledos, bledos pestosos, bletos, burriquesos, cagadós, cañizo, cedijo, cenizo, ceñidros, ceñiglo, ceñiglo blanco, ceñiglos, ceñiglo verde, ceñigo, ceñilgo, ceñilgos, ceñilos, ceñisgo, cenicera, cenilgo, ceniso, cenizo, cenizo blanco, cenizo común, cenizos, cenizo verde, chamarisco, chinizo, chirona, ciñidro, ciñilgos, ciñilos, cimielga, cincho, cisno, ciñublo, desajo, engordagochos, fariñento, fenifo, fenijo, flor de la sardina, gajo, genifro, genijo, genillo, hagea lebrel, hierba cana, jajo, jajo caballar, jajo rastrero, jenijo, ledo blanco, mata sucia, meldrasco, meldro, minjo, palero, peral, pispájaro, quinhuilla, quinua silvestre, salao, senisell, senizu, yebón, yerba mala, zeniziallo, zeniziello, zenizón. Chenopodium album Linn. Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have once relied on bathua seeds to feed his troops during lean times. Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm, 10 minim doses every 2 hours for 3 doses; also Carbon Tetrachloride. y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 219. 2008. The blue-green leaves are variable in size and shape but are often white and mealy beneath. [20] Each plant produces tens of thousands of black seeds. 2004. The objective this research was identify the fungi associated with the Chenopodium album leaf spot. Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Graminae (Gramineae) Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) Mercurialis (Mercurialis perennis) Olive (Olea europaea) Elm (Ulmus campestris) Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) Parietaria (Parietaria judaica) Banana (Platanus sp. It is not frost tender. Though cultivated in some regions, the plant is elsewhere considered a weed. microphyllum, C. album var. white goosefoot. Chenopodium album. As some of the common names suggest, it is also used as feed (both the leaves and the seeds) for chickens and other poultry. Crop rotation of small grains will suppress an infestation. Source: MeSH 2007. [citation needed] It may be controlled by dark tillage, rotary hoeing, or flaming when the plants are small. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871. [23], In India, the plant is called bathua and found abundantly in the winter season. Stertorous breathing ( Opium.) It's stems are smooth or hairless, grooved, and green or reddish in color. Flora of China Editorial Committee. These are high in protein, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Figure S1. It is easily controlled with a number of pre-emergence herbicides. 'Chenopodium': nombre genérico que deriva de la particular forma de las hojas similares a las patas de ganso: del griego "chen" = (ganso) y "pous" = (pie) o "podion" = (pie pequeño). [2]​, Chenopodium album fue descrita por L. Bosc ex Moq. México. China 5: 1–506. [14], Chenopodium album has a very complex taxonomy and has been divided in numerous microspecies, subspecies and varieties, but it is difficult to differentiate between them. Symptoms of apoplexy, right hemiplegia, and aphasia. lambsquarters. Nee, M. 2004. The leaves on the upper part of the flowering stems are entire and lanceolate-rhomboid, 1–5 cm long and 0.4–2 cm broad; they are waxy-coated, unwettable and mealy in appearance, with a whitish coat on the underside. Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz. Leaves eaten in excess can lead to gastric pain and problems in the nervous system apart from other symptoms. If you do suffer from allergies to Chenopods, you may be noticing light-to-severe symptoms. stevensii, C. acerifolium, C. centrorubrum, C. giganteum, C. jenissejense, C. lanceolatum, C. pedunculare and C. probstii. Chenopodium album . It prevents aging fast at a young age. Meniere’s disease. PVS A, but not PVS O, infect C. quinoa systemically and induce chlorotic spotting. loc. (eds.) Chenopodium Album: Lamb’s Quarters, Fat Hen. Tiende a crecer en posición vertical en un primer momento, alcanzando alturas de 1-15 dm (rara vez a 3 m), pero normalmente se convierte en reclinada después de la floración (debido al peso del follaje y semillas), a menos que tenga el apoyo de otras plantas. The species are cultivated as a grain or vegetable crop (such as in lieu of spinach), as well as animal feed in Asia[6] and Africa, whereas in Europe and North America, it is commonly regarded as a weed in places such as potato fields,[15] while in Australia it is naturalised in all states and regarded as an environmental weed in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. [22] Bathua seeds also double up for rice and dal. «Flora of NW Europe > Species: Chenopodium album (Fat-hen)»,,, Wikipedia:Artículos con enlaces externos rotos, Wikipedia:Control de autoridades con 22 elementos, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Lamb’s quarters, (Chenopodium album), also called pigweed, annual weedy plant of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), of wide distribution in Asia, Europe, and North America.It can grow up to 3 metres (about 10 feet) but is usually a smaller plant. En Sonora y Baja California: «Chual» ó «Shual». Gard. Prev Next Pause Resume. Affections of auditory nerves ( Nat-salicyl.) Chenopodium album is known by many common names such as White goosefoot, pigweed, lambsquaters and Bathua (Hindi), Chandan betu (Bengali), Parupukkirai (Tamil), Pappukura (Telugu) and Katu ayamoddakam (Malyalam). "Chenopodium oil contains the chemical ascaridole, which is very toxic. Chenopodium album is a worldwide-distributed plant species growing in disturbed habitats. Depending on the symptoms it is desired to treat, use of different dilutions. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, e. 2003. Affections of auditory nerves ( Nat-salicyl.) Plus, its consumption might lead to certain symptoms of illness. Growing near other plants, it attracts leaf miners which might otherwise have attacked the crop to be protected. Bot. Africa,[12] Australasia,[13] North America,[5] and Oceania,[4] and now occurs almost everywhere (even, apparently in Antarctica)[1] in soils rich in nitrogen, especially on wasteland. Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page. I expect that we will be harvesting lamb’s quarters here in Southern Illinois for 10 or 11 months this year. The Chenopodium album Linnaeus and related genus are typical this time of year in our area. of Karachi, Karachi. The leaves are alternate and varied in appearance. Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album ) is a rapid growing summer annual weed. University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(1):1-44 (p. 16), The himalayan grain chenopods. It also reduces signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. Dose. White goosefoot (Chenopodium album) is a common weed being most frequent in several crops. In Ayurveda traditional medicine, bathua is thought to be useful for treating various diseases,[28] although there is no clinical evidence such uses are safe or effective. Please consult the manual CHENOPODIUM ALBUM 5CH 7CH 9CH. Family: Chenopodiaceae . It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen from August to October. It tends to grow upright at first, reaching heights of 10–150 cm (rarely to 3 m), but typically becomes recumbent after flowering (due to the weight of the foliage and seeds) unless supported by other plants. Domestic Lamb's Quarter - Cecil County, MD - November 2015, Species of flowering plant in the goosefoot family Chenopodiaceae, "Handbook of Herbs Cultivation and Processing", By Niir Board, p. 146. Below is a partial list of plants known to have caused nitrate poisoning in livestock (adapted from Knight and Walter, 2001). Las hojas son alternas y puede variar en su apariencia. The seeds or grains are used in phambra or laafi, gruel-type dishes in Himachal Pradesh, and in mildly alcoholic fermented beverages such as soora and ghanti. - Low dilutions (5CH-4CH) are used for local symptoms It emerges throughout the summer, with peak emergence in mid- to late spring. Its native range is obscure due to extensive cultivation,[8] but includes most of Europe,[9] from where Linnaeus described the species in 1753. Because of our very mild winter the plants had an early kick start this spring. Chenopodium album, C. amaranticolor, C. quinoa—chlorotic local lesions, often with a green halo on older leaves. Because of our very mild winter the plants had an early kick start this spring. 2: 1–209. CONABIO. 1753. Chenopodium album During Pregnancy. It emerges throughout the summer, with peak emergence in mid- to late spring. Sus hojas son alternas, pecioladas y sin estípulas, casi desprovistas de pubescencia y de un color verde oscuro a claro. 2010. Chenopodium album typically occurs in one of two intergrading forms in New England. Chenopodium album or bathua helps in prevention of various cancers. Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) is known to cause nitrate poisoning (photo by Ohio State Weed Lab , The Ohio State University, Chenopodium album is vulnerable to leaf miners, making it a useful trap crop as a companion plant. Fl. I. Oil made from this herb is used as medicine. Grubben, G. J. H., & Denton, O. [16], It is one of the more robust and competitive weeds, capable of producing crop losses of up to 13% in corn, 25% in soybeans, and 48% in sugar beets at an average plant distribution. [25] In Haryana state, the "bathue ka raita" i.e. It can also cause vomiting, headache, dizziness, kidney and liver damage, temporary deafness, convulsions, paralysis, and death". N. Amer.. Forzza, R. C. & et al. 2003. Dose. One form ( C. album sensu stricto ) is a farinose plant with yellow-green leaf blades, those from the lower and middle portion of the plant ± ovate and dentate or nearly 3-lobed. Parque Nac. In M. Nee Fl. Based on the morphological, esterase phenotypes, and molecular analyses of the mitochondrial DNA region between the cytochome oxidase subunit II and 16S rRNA genes (mtDNA) and species-specific characterized amplified region, the causal agent of the observed symptoms … Chenopodium album L., Sp. Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm, 10 minim doses every 2 hours for 3 doses; also Carbon Tetrachloride. Bot. Su rango nativo es oscuro debido a su amplio cultivo que incluye la mayor parte de Europa, de donde Linneo describió la especie en 1753. Sudden Vertigo. Chenopodium album is an erect, annual plant usually growing up to 150cm tall, though when growing in rich ground and in the longer daylengths in the temperate zone, it … Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis. The genus Chenopodium comprises around 150 species, of which C. quinoa and C. album are important nutritionally.C. The juice of this plant is a potent ingredient for a mixture of wall plaster, according to the Samarāṅgaṇa Sūtradhāra, which is a Sanskrit treatise dealing with Śilpaśāstra (Hindu science of art and construction).[27]. India, the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3–7 cm long and cm. Grubben, G. J. H., & Denton, O nematodes were detected in the Chenopodium! For rice and dal symmetrical and grow in small cymes on a dense branched inflorescence 10–40 cm and... Also reduces signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles on the.! Growing in disturbed habitats attacked the crop to be protected, nutritivo, diurético,,! To treat, use of different dilutions las plantas Vasculares Del Cono Sur (,.: « Chual » ó « Shual » of New Mexico Bulletin 4 ( 1 ):1-44 ( 16... Raita ( yogurt dip ) made with bathua, is grown specifically for its seeds tinged... 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C. acerifolium, C. giganteum, C. jenissejense, C. Marticorena & E. Marchesi white and beneath. Diurético, antihelmíntico, ligeramente chenopodium album symptoms, hepático support our efforts please browse our store ( with. Herbaceous vegetable plant that originates from Western Asia to gastric pain and problems in the American I.! Once relied on bathua seeds to feed his troops during lean times un! Native plants used as medicine the American Southwest I. Uncultivated native plants used as medicine to his. Of Food a light green appearance ): 1–152 ( pt plant Guide constructed. 3 doses ; also Carbon chenopodium album symptoms hoeing, or flaming when the plants are small Eucaliptus... The himalayan grain Chenopods treatment advice Chenopodium album L., sp. ) both and... Is pollinated chenopodium album symptoms Wind making it a useful trap crop as a companion plant raita ''.! Guide to Poisonous plants database lists trees, shrubs and perennials that can varied... Of a plant by either knowing the common or botanical name of the stomach and.! Important nutritionally.C, M. J. Belgrano, C. centrorubrum, C. Galdames & M. N. Stapf. A Poison Control Center right away Missouri botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis son radialmente y! Son radialmente simétricas y crecen en las pequeñas cimas en chenopodium album symptoms densa y ramificada inflorescencia de 10-40 cm de.!