The maximum severance pay rate is set at 400 days of the employee’s latest wage rate for an employee who has worked for 20 consecutive years or more. Legally, employers in Thailand must pay a severance to their If the employer does not have a retirement policy, employees who are 60 years of age or more may inform the employers of their intention to retire. Under the previous law, an employee would only be entitled to severance pay if terminated without cause. retirement age for private sector employees in the country. But when they do cease (with 30 days' We need this to enable us to match you with other users from the same organisation, it is also part of the information that we share to our content providers ("Contributors") who contribute Content for free for your use. Employment transfer. Even if you can file the taxes on your own, everything is in Thai. The Social Security Code, 2020 ("SS Code") has been passed by both houses of the Parliament and received Presidential assent on September 28, 2020. POPULAR ARTICLES ON: Employment and HR from Thailand. payroll experts is recommended. You have spent decades planning for retirement. Contact us today. 2560 came into force (see chart below) Also under the new law, employees are … Taking care of your staff is just as important as Severance Pay - Severance pay will be paid upon retirement, at the employee’s daily rate of pay, in the amount of … Published On - 30 October, 2019. In the case where an employer relocates the place of business in Thailand which affects the normal living of an employee or his/her family, the employer shall notify the employee at least 30 days before the date of relocation. In Thailand, retirement is deemed to be a termination of employment, entitling employees to a … Need more information? The Labor Protection Act (LPA) requires all employers in Thailand to pay severance pay to employees whose employment is “terminated” without cause of serious misconduct. Free, unlimited access to more than half a million articles (one-article limit removed) from the diverse perspectives of 5,000 leading law, accountancy and advisory firms, Articles tailored to your interests and optional alerts about important changes, Receive priority invitations to relevant webinars and events. In response to the new amendment, employers should review their employment agreements and work rules, to ascertain whether the requisite retirement policies have been implemented, and to ensure those policies conform to the law. Under the Thai Labor Protection Act of 1998, companies are required to pay legal severance payments (‘LSP’) to employees who leave employment at their retirement age, … Hours Of Work Thai labor law is relatively flexible for employers. 3, if the employer has a retirement policy, whereby the age of retirement is set at more than 60 years of age, those employees who are 60 years of age or more, may inform the employers of their intention to retire. Traditionally, retirement regimes have only been formally set out for public sector employees. Your best bet is to work with a tax accountant to file your taxes. Shortly, a new severance pay rate will be introduced for employees with 20 or more years of service at the rate of 400 days’ wage. Employers should see if their retirement policy, work rules, employment contracts and any other document related to retirement needs to be drawn up and/or amended to comply with this new law. Prior to the draft amendment, the highest severance pay rate was 300 days’ wage for employees who worked for at least 10 years. 2541 (1998), which governed relationships between employers and employees in the private sector, and which provided protection for employees, did not mention retirement. In addition to ensuring that retiring employees have the right to receive statutory severance pay upon retirement, the provision also provides employees, who are 60 years old or more, the right to choose to retire with full severance pay. The employer who fails to give severance pay to the retiring employee may be subject to a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to THB 100,000. Several Supreme Court judgments havelong treated retirement – whether stipulated in the employers’ work rules or in employment agreements – to be termination of employment without cause. Increased from 90 days to 98 days (with 45-day pay) for each female employee. 6) B.E. However, this is Mondaq uses cookies on this website. It is not compulsory, but optional, for those employees who are 60 years of age or more to exercise their right of retirement. Specialist advice should be sought As a result, the retiring employees were entitled to statutory severance pay. Retiring civil servants are also automatically eligible for state pension benefits, as prescribed by law. Generally, in the case of voluntary resignation, the employee who resigns would not be entitled to severance pay. For severance pay under the LSA, severance pay will be equal to one month of average wages for each year of service for an employee who has been continuously employed by the same entity. years. Those who do not do comply face a fine of up to 100,000 Baht, or even the imprisonment of the company director/s for up to six months. severance pay entitlements and help employers to establish a employment period is at least three years but less than six regulations. rules and policies to ensure they are compliant with the new If employed more than one year, but less than three years, employees are entitled to severance pay equal to three months' salary. Previously, the law was silent on the issue and employers had discretion to set their own retirement policy. New amendments to Thailand’s Labor Protection Act have addressed this issue by introducing a retirement regime for the Thai private sector employees, placing severance obligations on employers, enhancing protection for employees, and creating a more effective framework for enforcement of labour laws. Technology, Media, and Telecommunications. © 2018 Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. All rights reserved. And once the employee did Moreover, employers may also need to securely set aside sufficient internal reserve funds in preparation for employee retirement. employment period is at least six years but less than 10 years. As mentioned above, If the company has included the retirement age in the regulation of the company, when the employees reach the retirement age, the Employer shall pay Severance Pay to them according to the rated specified in Section 118: 30 days’ wages where the employment period is at least 120 days but is less than one year. An employee who has worked for less than 120 days can be terminated without receiving severance pay. New Rate of Severance Pay; An employee who has been terminated without cause will be entitled to, among others, severance pay; the rate of which depends on an employee’s length of service and last wage rate. to continue working. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies as set out in our Privacy Policy. The Thai Cabinet has endorsed a proposal to amend the Labour Protection Act, setting a statutory retirement age for the first time and entitling retirees to statutory severance pay. Severance Pay is the compensation that an employer provides to a laid off or terminated employee, whose job has been eliminated, who through mutual agreement, decided to leave the company or left the company because the company can no longer operate its business, or for other reasons. 30 days' wages where the However, the law does not prohibit both parties from agreeing otherwise, such as an extension for retirement or a renewal of employment. 300 days' wages where the With respect to the termination of the employment on the basis of reorganising the T… 2560 (2017), the law did not stipulate provisions pertaining to the retirement of employees in the private sector. resign, they were not entitled to severance pay. You’ll only need to do it once, and readership information is just for authors and is never sold to third parties. Thailand labour law December 4, 2010 An employee terminated without a valid cause as stipulated by law is entitled to receive the following severance pay: 30 days’ wages where the employment period is at least 120 days but is less than one year. You need to pay taxes even if you don’t have a work visa. Employees cannot waive their rights to severance or retirement pay. The same goes for other taxable income on your final paycheck, including unused vacation time, commissions, bonuses, etc. Labor reforms in India have been a long-pending demand of foreign investors, a majority of which consider the country's labor and employment laws responsible for limiting investment interest by forcing private employers ... Sign Up for our free News Alerts - All the latest articles on your chosen topics condensed into a free bi-weekly email. 90 days' wages where the In addition to codifying the court judgments, the new amendments to the retirement regime provide substantial benefits for employees in terms of the right to retirement, and the right to severance pay upon retirement. This is the case in Thailand where both expats and residents are entitled to severance pay upon termination. country is now 60 years-old. 2560 (2017) seems to be a codification of the Supreme Court’s judgements and states the following: “Retirement, according to the agreement between the employer and the employee, or as predetermined by the employer, shall be deemed as a termination of employment, in accordance with Section 118, paragraph 2. Working for life could be beneficial for some employees, but conversely, this arrangement would be disadvantageous for those employees who wished to end their employment at a certain age. The employee who reaches the age agreed between the employer and employee, or as prescribed by the employer as being eligible for retirement, is entitled to receive the severance pay. notice), they're entitled to severance pay. Extra Severance Pay Rate. This is the case in Thailand where both expats and residents are entitled to severance pay upon termination. An employee who has served 20 years or more will be compensated at a rate equivalent to 400 days of pay. 180 days' wages where the Whether you are an employer or an employee, Juslaws & Consultinforms you about your rights regarding termination of employment in Thailand. Thai Law does not specifically address trials or probationary periods. By SPECIAL TO THE NATION The Labour Protection Act was recently amended to entitle retirees to severance pay and set the retirement age. Section 118/1 can be summarized as follows: Under Section 118/1, employers still have the freedom to unilaterally determine and implement their retirement polices, or alternatively, to negotiate and mutually agree on retirement with their employees. Thailand • Severance pay • Notice of at least one pay period, on or before any payday, so that the termination of the employment contract will take effect on the next payday, or a longer period if specified under the employment agreement, or payment in lieu. E: [email protected], T: +66 2056 5510 Thailand has applied the same rate of severance pay since promulgation of the LPA in 1998 until this was adjusted on 5 May 2019. We know that every situation is unique, therefore it is essential to seek a consultation with someone who is specialized in Thai Labor Law to fully underst… Employers can still negotiate with their severance pay reserve fund, so they're never caught short. These Supreme Court judgments have assumed precedence over retirement issues. The content of this article is intended to provide a general Prior to the draft amendment, the highest severance pay rate was … private sector employees in Thailand, regardless of the size of the Licensed to do business in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. regulation. Just when you think you have everything figured out and a concrete retirement plan in place, you’re thrown a curveball – Your employer has offered you an early retirement or voluntary separation package. The new law clearly requires an employer to pay severance pay in the following the cases. meant that employees were free to work for as long as they could, The NLA voted 179 in favour with five abstentions to pass the bill to increase the severance pay from 300 days to 400 days for workers serving … This is because employers no longer permitted employees to work, and also halted payment of wages to employees. The new amendments, among others, introduced a retirement provision in Section 118/1, which prescribes the rights and obligations of the employer and employees in respect to retirement. Each employee’s consent is required for any change of employer. © Mondaq® Ltd 1994 - 2020. Relocation of Key revisions include the following: Employees with at least 20 years of service are entitled to 400 days of statutory severance, up from 300 days for employees with at least 10 years' service. The Thai Cabinet has endorsed a proposal to amend the Labour Protection Act, setting a statutory retirement age for the first time and entitling retirees to statutory severance pay. guide to the subject matter. THAILAND – Retirement regime for Thai private sector. individual employee retirement negotiations, the calculation of policies and employment contacts. An employee who has worked for less than 120 days can be terminated without receiving severance pay. Such retirement shall be effective within 30 days from the date of such expression, and the employer shall pay severance to the employee in accordance with Section 118.”. This includes all domestic and international income. The following retirement severance pay rates now apply to all The NLA voted 179 in favour with five abstentions to pass the bill to increase the severance pay from 300 days to 400 days for workers serving … Thailand has applied the same rate of severance pay since promulgation of the LPA in 1998 until this was adjusted on 5 May 2019. All Rights Reserved. Previously, the law was silent on the issue and employers had discretion to set their own retirement policy. employment period is at least one year but less than three payroll, bookkeeping and corporate secretarial services. 2541 (1998) includes the fact that the retirement of employees is a termination of contract of employment. New amendments to Thailand’s Labor Protection Act have addressed this issue by introducing a retirement regime for the Thai private sector employees, placing severance obligations on employers, enhancing protection for employees, and creating a more effective framework for enforcement of labour laws. 240 days' wages where the If the employer has a retirement policy, or the employer agrees with the employee on retirement and the age of retirement, both parties are required to comply with such policy or agreement. 15% interest . Significantly, employees are no longer faced with the possibility that they may need to work for life without the right to severance pay, as under the new amendments, they are entitled to conclude their professional lives, with the comfort of knowing that they have the right to severance pay simply by exercising their right to retire under the employers’ retirement policies, and in accordance with the law. need to pay severance to their retiring employees. Severance pay is a benefit for terminated employees that helps to ease the transition to a new job, and most countries set the terms and rates of severance by statute. Severance Pay and FERS Disability Retirement If you are currently in the process of applying for FDR, then you are probably aware of the time frames involved. Employers should see if their retirement policy, work rules, employment contracts and any other document related to retirement needs to be drawn up and/or amended to comply with this new law. However, terminations and dismissals are subject to certain rules that are important to respect in order to avoid any subsequent dispute with the employee or for the employer. Therefore, if retirement policies were not implemented by the employer, this meant that  employees could potentially work for life, unless and until they voluntarily resigned or were terminated. SEVERANCE PAY/RETIREMENT INCENTIVE. Failure to notify the employee may result in a special severance payment in lieu of the advance notice of 30 days. Albert Hui Orbis News, Thailand. ... Retirement … in Thailand in September 2017, there was no law stipulating the 2494 (1951) stipulates that 60 years of age is the retirement age for civil servants, although extensions are permitted under certain conditions. New Rate of Severance Pay; An employee who has been terminated without cause will be entitled to, among others, severance pay; the rate of which depends on an employee’s length of service and last wage rate. New Retirement Regime for Private Sector Employees. It was interpreted that the old law placed the onus for determining and implementing retirement policies in private sector companies in the hands of the employer, or that retirement was dictated by agreement reached between the employer and employee. The new Labor Protection Act (No. Severance pay; Less than 120 days: No severance pay: 120 days - 1 year: Wages for at least 30 days: 1 year - 3 years: Wages for at least 90 days: 3 years – 6 years: Wages for at least 180 days: 6 years – 10 years: Wages for at least 240 days: 10 years – 20 years: Wages for at least 300 days: More than 20 years: Wages for at least 400 days penalties, including jail time. The Thai government's changes to the company they work for. You have spent decades planning for retirement. employment period is 10 years or more. The amendment to the Labour Protection Act does not stipulate Hours Of Work This With a view to reform the archaic labour laws and to facilitate the ease of doing business in India, the Government of India had decided to consolidate twenty nine (29) central labour laws ... On September 28, 2020, three new labour law codes namely, the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 and the Code on Social Security, 2020. do comply face a fine of up to 100,000 Baht, or even the Severance pay in Thailand. previous law mean that the retirement age of any employee in the 2560 (2017) was published in the Government Gazette on August 31, 2017, and came into effect on September 1, 2017, amending the previous Act. Just when you think you have everything figured out and a concrete retirement plan in place, you’re thrown a curveball – Your employer has offered you an early retirement or voluntary separation package. The Labor Protection Act of 1998, Section 118, (LPA) requires all employers in Thailand to pay severance to employees who are “terminated” by the employer without legal cause (as described in LPA Section 119). However, under Thai Law, only employees who have worked for 120 days or more are entitled to severance pay if they are terminated without cause. The Labor Protection Act (LPA) requires all employers in Thailand to pay severance pay to employees whose employment is “terminated” without cause of serious misconduct. Their own retirement policy vacation time, commissions, bonuses, etc 98 days with! Otherwise, such as an extension for retirement or a renewal of employment, and Vietnam served years! Across Labour legislations in India employment period is 10 years or more also operates in should... Pay a severance to their employees when they retire may 2019 set the retirement...., such as an extension for retirement or involuntary termination time, commissions, bonuses, etc NATION Labour. Penalties, including unused vacation time, commissions, bonuses, etc retirement policies may be on... 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