STEP 1: Develop the answer to the essential question

KEY: The proper question sets the stage for learning. The ability to ask the right question at the right time is the difference between good teachers and great teachers....


Twenty years ago knowledge was power. It still is, and will always be, but I believe it is less true in 2005. Access is power, and process is power. Today, it’s not so much what I know; it’s more about having access to information resources and and the ability to use those resources within a problem-solving approach


SEE AN EXAMPLE in a lesson:


RESOURCES: Develop the answer

STEP 1: Writing the Essential Question

STEP 2: Writing Foundation Questions

STEP 3: Developing a Search Strategy

STEP 4: Locating Information

STEP 5: Filter, Distill and Cross-Referencing

STEP 6: Evaluate the amount of information

STEP 7: Develop the answer to the Essential Question

STEP 8: Develop a product to represent the answer


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